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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

  Here we are heading toward the end of the year. A time when families and communities begin to get together and celebrate what it is to be human. Joy, happiness, family, freedom, health. All these things and more. Yet somehow, this bullshit "war on Christmas" perpetuated by Faus News and its followers is creating hostility. Hostility toward anybody that does not believe as they do.

  These ass-hats have spewed their hate-filled drivel so consistently that Xtians actually believe there is an attack on them and their borrowed holiday. This crap about "in my house we say Merry Christmas" is complete and utter intolerance. Who gives a flying fuck what words are said?!?!?!?! Whether it's Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Happy Holidays OR ANY OTHER FUCKING NICE THING TO SAY! The polite response is to say thank you and possibly reciprocate the greeting.

  "In my house...". Well fuck you. You have made it abundantly clear that in "your" house I and my family are not welcome. In fact, anybody who won't utter your magical phrase is also not welcome. Way to ruin the good nature of winter get-togethers assholes.